Of course I can't ask you to guess this without providing you with some crucial information. And by "crucial information" I obviously mean "interpretation of ludicrous old wives' tales."
So! Here are some of the common ones:
Old wives say morning sickness means girl: I had it BAD for about a month. However, it was likely exacerbated by my lap-band.
Old wives say craving sweet things means girl, craving salty things means boy: I have been craving meat sandwiches, peaches, milk, and pudding.
Old wives say a wedding ring on a string that goes in a circle means boy, side to side means girl: I did this and it went side to side. However, I couldn't find a string so I just did it on a necklace chain. Perhaps that is inadmissible evidence?
Old wives say heart rate above 140 means girl, below 140 means boy: Piglet's heart rate was 155-160 at 16 weeks.
Old wives say acne during pregnancy means girl (apparently she's "stealing" the mom's beauty), while increased glowy attractiveness means boy: Split on this one. I've definitely had more acne, but not outrageous amounts, and lots of people have been telling me how happy I look, so maybe that means I'm glowing?
Old wives say Chinese and Mayan birth calendars can predict: Chinese birth calendar says boy, Mayan says girl.
Old wives say swollen legs mean boy: My legs haven't changed shape at all. But it may be too early on this one.
Old wives say if dad gains weight, it's a girl, and if not, it's a boy: Torsten has actually lost a couple pounds since I got pregnant.
Old wives say if the left breast is bigger, it's a girl, and if the right is bigger, it's a boy: My left breast is bigger, but it has been for at least the last 10 years, so I don't know if that counts.
Old wives say carrying high means girl, carrying low means boy: Well, here's a photo of my 20-week belly, so I'll let you decide how I'm carrying and what it means. (Comparison photos here.)

So what do you think: boy or girl? And I would love to hear your reasoning. Is it one of these old wives' tales? If so, which one? Is it a vibe or feeling you have? Or some other reason that I haven't thought of?
A girl. Just a feeling!
ReplyDeleteA girl! Just a hunch - no reasoning.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I love Montana in that photo - she looks like she's posing just like you!
I just realized I've been assuming it would be a girl! So yeah, no evidence, just a feeling.
ReplyDeleteGirl! The wives tale I trusted was the one that said if the hair on your legs grows faster than usual, it's a boy.
ReplyDeleteA boy, just to play devil's advocate! Ironically, Chinese calendar says I'm having a boy while the Mayan calendar says I'm having a girl. ha!
ReplyDeleteI say girl, and it's because I've found I'm just sort of assuming girl.
ReplyDeleteHOWEVER, two things:
1. I just sort of assumed girl for my first, which was a boy.
2. I think the Olivia association I have with Piglet has influenced me.
As I've told you before, I've been assuming this whole time it's a boy. No real reasoning. But your milk/meat cravings have solidified my guess. That's what I craved with MAD.
ReplyDeletei find myself in the "huh, i was just kind of assuming girl" camp, so i'm going to say "boy," since babies seem to love to be contradictory starting even in the womb :-)
Girl. Just a hunch. Of course, we had a hunch we were having a girl until the moment our son was born, and we saw he was a boy...So don't listen to me. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI have a hunch that it's a boy. Just a gut feeling! Or maybe it's because you said you were craving meat sandwiches and that reminds me of Friends and how Joey likes meat, and Joey is a boy. Ahem.
ReplyDeleteAlso, hurry up and let me know because I've been waiting for the big reveal since you told me you were pregnant so I can send many presents! (Also, I love how Montana is trying to get in on photo time!)
Girl. But I always think everyone is going to have a girl, don't ask me why. You are looking great at 20 weeks!
ReplyDeleteWow, looking back at those, almost every one of them indicates that I would have a girl. And what do you know? Girl?! Of course, you have a 50/50 shot of guessing right.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, I think girl too.
A girl! And it's just a total gut feeling!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! And girl. I'm basing this on the way your bump looks. My friends that had girls had more spread out looking bumps, whereas the ones that had boys looked like they swallowed a perfectly round basketball.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason when you first told me one of the first heart rates I was sure you'd have a boy - and the Chinese calendar was true for me - but I'm deferring to your intuition and belly shot here to say girl.
ReplyDeleteboy. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing boy, gut feeling contrary (apparently) to most. :)
ReplyDeleteI've thought BOY since I learned you were pregnant. No real reason why.
ReplyDeleteI've found that my intuition was right both times I was pregnant. I knew Maddie was a girl and Sam was a boy. So, what do YOU think you're having? Because I bet dollars to doughnuts you're right. : )
Boy! Because the Chinese birth calendar were correct for both my pregnancies.
ReplyDeleteYAY! Good luck on your ultrasound!
Girl! But I'm most interested in what YOU feel--do you have a sixth-sense-y guess?
ReplyDeleteGoing by the heartrate I say boy.
ReplyDeleteI say girl based on a feeling. Still so happy and excited for you!
ReplyDeleteI keep thinking boy. However, I think a few weeks ago, I was thinking girl. Imma say boy for now.
ReplyDeleteGIRL, for sure!
ReplyDeleteBoy- not sure why. I do not believe AT ALL that you can sense or intuit the sex. People just think that if they guess correctly. =)
ReplyDeleteWe actually asked our doctor about the heartbeat myth, and she said smaller babies generally have higher heart rates, and girls are generally smaller than boys, but she didn't believe the myth one bit. And B was big and had a high heart rate, so whatever!
Based on all those wives tales, I should have had a girl. Don't tell Kyle that though.
ReplyDelete(I'll stick with my girl guess for you, but I do have to admit my guessing mojo just ain't what it used to be.)
I say girl, only because I believe I read somewhere that 51% of babies born are girls and 49% are boys.
ReplyDeleteI just have a girl feeling, regardless of what the old wives tales say. And I think you're carrying low, but I carried exactly the same in both pregnancies and had a boy and a girl, so make of that what you will.
ReplyDeleteI say boy because my initial instinct is girl. Yeah, I don't know. I'm confused too. I am curious however what YOU think.
ReplyDeleteOh definitely a girl! :) Just because I really really want another baby girl!
ReplyDeleteA boy. I'm not sure why. Because I love mine so much, maybe?
ReplyDeleteFWIW I think you look like you are carrying low. You look so great, and very very happy!
I have no idea, no feeling one way or another. But for some reason I WANT you to have a girl! So i'll guess girl.
ReplyDeleteGIRL! (Just a feeling on my part).
ReplyDeleteOh, I can't WAIT to find out!
I definitely think boy. I don't know why, that was just my initial gut reaction when you announced you were pregnant. :-)
ReplyDeleteDid you read the link I sent you on Twitter yesterday?
I'm going to say GIRL. :D
ReplyDeleteI'm going to say GIRL. :D
ReplyDeleteBased on your cravings, the heartbeat and the fact that your belly appears spread out to me, I would say girl. But also the bump looks low, so that would be boy! I've had a hunch it was a boy the whole time, so I better stick with it, Boy oh boy :)
ReplyDeleteugh! I'm not even going to guess :-) but do you have a gut feeling? I'm purposefully trying not to have any gut feelings because then they would either be attributed to a) hope beyond hope, or b) preparing for/assuming the worst. And I think you know which one is which!
ReplyDeleteEee. The "evidence" seems to point to GIRL, which I fully support!! I WANT Piglet to be a girl. :-) But it looks to me like you could be carrying a little low, too.
ReplyDeleteAlso? I've never heard of the guy gaining weight with a girl/not with a boy bit. Although, surprisingly, I remember my best friend's hubby getting chunkier when they were preggers with # 2 - a girl. So maybe there's some truth to all these crazy wives tales?
Cannot WAIT to hear actual sex of Piglet!!
I'm just going to guess girl based on nothing you provided through the wives' tales! All the results of the wives' tales told me I was having a boy and everyone who saw the way I carried told me I was carrying a boy (except my mother, who remembered carrying me the same way!), and I had a girl, so who knows? Either will be super fun, but I guess since I have a girl, I'm going girl for you too! Can't wait to find out!
ReplyDeleteI keep feeling like you're going to tell us it's a girl... but then that makes me want to guess boy (because I feel like I so much more often end up hearing that people are having boys these days, LOL)... and THEN... I think, maybe if I keep thinking she's going to say BOY, she'll really end up saying GIRL like my initial thought.
ReplyDeleteVery confusing, I'm sure, haha. But I have really been thinking about this, waiting to find out the gender of your baby! hahaha.
Do you AT ALL have a slight inkling or preference? Even though people ALWAYS SAY there's 'no preference', I still feel like you sometimes have an idea of what you'd like your "ideal gendered family unit" to look like -- for example, I'd love to have a daughter FIRST because I have an ultra-male family and feel like it's a given that I'll have sons, but it's not a given I'll have daughters, so if I have my girl first, I can relax with whatever gender baby 2 is. I know that's incredibly silly, because there's no reason that I'll for sure have sons other than ... MY GOD, my family is FULL OF BOYS.
On the other hand, I'd love to have a son first, because I love the older brother thing. My boyfriend is an older brother to his much younger sister and it's ADORABLE.
(Okay, so I just pretty much declared that I have "no preference" because I gave good reasons for wanting girl or boy FIRST... but I gave reasons. Do you think things like this or am I nutty?)
ReplyDeleteI was thinking boy, then the first few old wives' tales had me thinking girl, but then the Chinese birth calendar was correct for us so now I'm back to boy.
ReplyDeleteYes, boy.
ReplyDeleteBoy. Just a feeling though.