- Am I the only one who thinks Lee Dewyze is hot? I mean, OK, you can tell he smoked quite a bit of pot a few years back, but still. HOT. No?
- I love thinking about baby names. Love it. As in, I am dying for the SSA baby names data to be updated with info from 2009. I am super curious to see if the name Nevaeh ("Heaven" backward) holds steady at number 34, or goes up or down.
- (NUMBER THIRTY-FOUR. HEAVEN BACKWARD. AS A NAME. THIRTY-FOURTH MOST POPULAR IN THE COUNTRY. For comparison, the 34th most popular girl name the year I was born was Erica.)
- The place where Torsten gets his hair cut always says at the bottom of the receipt that if he fills out an online survey within 48 hours of his haircut, he'll get a $3 coupon for the next one. He just got a haircut and for the first time he actually remembered to do it in time. So, he typed in the address and... the site doesn't work. It doesn't exist. We double-checked the address and we are definitely typing it in right. Do you think we can call and complain and get the coupon anyway?
- I do not understand, generally speaking, why people get so up in arms about bloggers criticizing corporations. Look, I understand that the Supreme Court seems to think that corporations are equivalent to people, entitled to the same protections as individuals, but I don't agree. They have a lot more money and a lot more resources and a lot of them do a lot of shady, unethical, and/or wrong things to keep that money. So why do people feel the need to defend them as though they are the playground scapegoat? I'm pretty sure they can take care of themselves, you know?
- Lee Dewyze. HOT.
New Recipe: Greek Penne Pasta
This recipe sounded delicious to me when I came across it, and it turned
out that it was. Also, I've reached the point with cooking where I can make
a few ...
15 years ago
Dude. My cousin's 18 year old son had a baby last year (or was it the year before) and name it Nevaeh. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteI love thinking about baby names, too! I'm glad that the husband and I agree on names we like, for the most part.
omg until I got to the next bullett, I was mortified that you liked the name Nevaeh. Thank goodness.
ReplyDeleteI like thinking about it too, but hubs & I haven't had a lot of overlap yet, just some tentative, "well, I like that name OK..." but he's not the type to think about it seriously until I'm actually pregnant, so I'm not worried yet.
Although the running joke with him is that he keeps threatening to name the baby Ichabod (as in Crane, with the headless horseman) while I'm passed out. So even more motivation for a natural birth where I'm awake the whole time...can't let that happen, haha.
I love baby names too. And Nevaeh blows my mind a little bit. It takes me back to those VC Andrews books.
ReplyDeletehahaha like PeaceLoveMath i was VERY HAPPY to read bullet #3, because i was all "omg. she is going to name her child HEAVEN BACKWARDS!?" until then ;-)
ReplyDeleteYeah, the corporation thing? I think people don't care about defending the corporation, but they feel defensive about themselves. (as in *it sucks and I shop there, therefore I must suck* ) Obviously not the case, but I think that's why so many defend it.
ReplyDeleteNeveah. yeah...
I don't have the foggiest who Lew is. Sorry!
ReplyDeleteI think we should call out corporations whenever we can, especially if they are businesses we use frequently. We all deserve to deal with honest businesses, yes?
Totally. Hawt.
ReplyDeleteI concur.
Is there something new in the news about bloggers defaming corporations? I didn't even know this was such a hot topic.
ReplyDeleteLee Dewyze. Guess it tells you something that I didn't know who he was. Now that I do know, I'd say he falls in the cute, but not hot category in my book.
I too am counting the weeks until the 2009 baby names come out!
ReplyDeleteI love Lee Dewyze, but I also have a think for Alex Lambert...
ReplyDeleteI love Lee. He's my pick. Swoon.
ReplyDeletewhat strange timing- last night on 16 and pregnant (my guilt pleasure that I only allow myself to watch at the gym) the girl named the baby, you guessed it, Nevaeh!
ReplyDeleteI didn't even get it until right now!
Lol Lee kind of looks like Achoo. Verrrrry similar. So year, HOT!
ReplyDeleteI'd never even heard of people using Nevaeh as a name until I read your post. Maybe I'm totally out of it. But #34? Really? My daughter's name is Lucy, and that name wasn't even that high on the list. I have heard some pretty strange baby names lately, though...
ReplyDeleteOh, Nevaeh.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds kind of pretty... until you hear the reasoning behind it.
Then I just want to hit someone.
(Why am I so judgemental about names? I can't help it, it's a sickness).
Oh and I would totally call the number on the receipt! You should get your discount!
I had to look up who that guy even was....and I think he looks douchey. :) sorry.
ReplyDeleteI had an employee who named her baby Neveah a few years back. And thought she was SO! ORIGINAL!
Um, not so much.
The first time I heard the name Nevaeh was when I was in labor with my daughter 4 years ago. The nurse asked what her name would be and when I told her (Victoria) she said "thank God, we've had 3 babies named Nevaeh already this week and I couldn't handle a 4th!"
ReplyDeleteI don't even know who that is. I think that means I'm not "with it" anymore.
ReplyDeleteFirst timne poster here....UGH Neveah....Every person who names their poor child Neveah always follows it with "that's Heaven Spelled Backwards". Well if you liked heaven so much why not name your kid Heaven???
ReplyDeleteI have just one question: how do you pronounce Nevaeh?
ReplyDeleteNeveah is an OK sounding name until you get to the whole Heaven backward bit...plus when pronounced it sounds a little too much like Nivea...the skin care products. I loved, loved, loved thinking about baby names! It was one of my favorite pregnancy past times.
ReplyDeleteI think maybe people like to play devil's advocate a little severely sometiems, which seemed to be the case with Swistle's recent post. Also people who tend to work for those large corporations tend to defend them, because that's a part of their identity.
ReplyDeleteBut then there's a whole different issue with things like, say, the kerfuffle between Dooce, and the washing machine in that at a certain level of celebrity (1000+ hits/day being the criteria here), I think it is prudent to exercise a bit of reserve when it comes to slandering people, companies and things. In general I think it is just fine when a blogger writes about her personal experience with xyz but when that blogger tells everyone else to buy or not buy something that gets...a little irresponsible I think. I know we're still talking about big bad corporations here so maybe everyone thinks all the rules should go out the window for them, but what if a more popular blogger told people to stop reading a less popular blogger's site, say? All of a sudden that doesn't sound right at all.
I am obsessed with baby names. Do you play on the baby name wizard with the graphic tools to track name popularity? It is one of my favorite internet time wasters. You should share your baby name lists (if you're willing). I'd love to see your picks!
ReplyDeleteWith you on Lee Dewyze (and I don't watch AI, so thank you for introducing me to him!).
ReplyDeleteMy niece did the Neveah thing, and just had a new baby---Brock.Lee. (broccoli).