First, the bad.
Angelina Jolie? Well, she was wearing a color, a real one, but she's wearing her third or fourth boring sack in a row. What's with all the dresses that sag over her top half, are slightly cinched at the waist, and then hang boringly from her hips? I mean, seriously. Mix it up a little!

Now, I love Kate Winslet, and I think she's gorgeous, and I know the color of her dress is really trendy, but the whole thing was just very off-putting for me. It was just SO tight across the hips and midsection, and the top part made her shoulders look very broad and square and her boobs look very far apart, fifties-style.

Marcia Cross, no no no. So busy! Like an eighties prom dress, except without shoulder pads (at LEAST).

At first I thought that America Ferrera's dress had promise, but then I saw the skirt. Can someone please explain to me why sacks have come back into fashion? Because everyone seems to be wearing them. I once learned that skirt size was inversely related to the state of the economy--the worse off the economy, the shorter and tighter the skirts of the day. But in this case, apparently not.

If it's not the skirt that looks like a sack, it's the top. Christina Applegate, what IS this?

Maybe I'm very gender-normative, but I love it when Susan Sarandon wears dresses instead of pantsuits. But this looks like a nightie. And not in a good way.

The frills around Eva Longoria-Parker's boobs aren't doing her any favors, and the ones around her midsection are even worse. This dress just eats her.

I love Lisa Edelstein and think she is gorgeous. But WHAT is that thing hanging from her shoulder? It's even worse than Nicole Kidman's Oscars 2007 dress with the giant bow.

Now, the good. And maybe this is a sign that I am not so on board with the fashions of the moment? But I didn't see much that was good, and even less that was great.
Claire Danes looks nice. Her boobs appear nonexistent, but the dress has shape and is relatively simple.

I'm torn on Amy Adams. I love the color, obviously, and the fact that the dress has a lovely tailored shape. But that... THING on her torso? Not so sure.

OK, the top parts of the the dress look kind of like boob-wings? But this dress is super flattering on Paula Abdul, and for her, pretty tame. I think she looks great.

I wouldn't have thought that I would love Laura Linney's dress (I would certainly not have ever chosen that color myself), but I kind of do. I'm not sure what it is.

Teri Hatcher's dress is, for me, a clear example of how frills and embellishments can be done well and not look over-the-top. Love.

Rosario Dawson's dress is a bit much, but she can pull it off, and it's definitely dazzling.

I LOVE Viola Davis's dress. Great color, great cut, incredibly flattering. Heart.

So who were your best- and worst-dressed on the red carpet last night?
If I were a dude, I would be in love with Rosario Dawson.
ReplyDeleteI didn't watch, but I didn't like many of the pictures. I actually liked Jolie and Applegates dresses, but they're gorgeous so maybe they look good in anything...
ReplyDeleteI really like Viola Davis's but I hate, hate, hate Paula's. eew!
Until she gets over herself, I am officially OVER Angelina Jolie.
ReplyDeleteSo. Excited. For. The. News.
ReplyDeleteCan't concentrate on dresses, only news.
I loved Winslet's dress, and I also loved Applegate's. And Amy Adams! We disagree!
ReplyDeleteAnd I hated Teri Hatcher! But then again, I loathe white/cream dresses for evening. HATE. Also not so into the waist/hip area draping.
And I'm with Slynnro. Until Angelina Jolie grows up and SHUTS up, I'm all set with her.
Oh man! I didn't realize the SAGs were last night... So sad that I missed them :(
ReplyDeleteAnd I think Angelina is wearing sacks to hide the fact that she is nothing but skin and bones. Tight dresses don't look good on skeletons.
And I love Winslet's dress! Very classy and old-school, and she's got the curves to pull it off, which is probably why I love it--I love things that I cannot wear :)
I am wondering what is going on with angies choices of dresses lately. Does anyone think it's bc she could be preggers or is still nursing the twins? I just think they are very boring dresses. I missed this last night. I liked mates dress! I think she looks great and want to see revolutionary road so badly!
ReplyDeleteSo incredibly sick of Angelina Jolie. Not only is she constantly dressing in unappealing sacks but she also gives everyone the stink eye when they win and not her.
ReplyDeleteOh I have to disagree...I think Kate Winslet looked beautiful and was rocking her curves.
ReplyDeleteits so cool to see what other people think! I agree with some of your opinions but others? meh.
ReplyDeleteLike I LOVE kate winslet's dress, I think it makes her curves great and shows she is not stick thin.
i totally agree with you on the sack thing? I just dont get it, if I had a body like most of these gals i would not cover it in mounds of fabric.
and i have to heartily disagree with you on Clair Danes, i watched the show and its hideous up close, there are exposed seams with i just find tacky, its ill fitting on her torso and it has a strange like sailor cape thing off the back of the straps, weird.
Thanks for the quickie review, this was like a condensed version of Go Fug Yourself.
ReplyDeleteI thought the trend was skirts = lower in bad times, higher in good times (mimicing the confidence in the economy).
I love Kate Winslet... she can do *almost* no wrong to me. :) I did a bit of a double take when I saw the dress - I thought it wasn't the best choice from the back but mostly I thought she looked awesomely curvy. Love that about her - I like seeing a bit of a real person in Hollywood.
ReplyDeleteBut I have NO fashion sense whatever... as in Anne Hathaway in "The Devil Wears Prada" pre-makeover: "No, no - that wasn't a question."
(hopefully you've seen that and I don't sound like an insane rambler about now)
Clare Danes's breasts look nonexistent because, well, they actually ARE. But the dress looked lovely on her. I actually liked Kate's dress though the top part kind of reminded me of a swimsuit. Still, the color made her eyes pop. I thought Viola's dress was the BEST of them all. She looked stunning. I also loved that Meryl didn't even buy a dress then went on to win the lead actor award!
ReplyDeleteMost hated? Katie Holmes and her crooked erect nipples. Enough with the hard on! We saw enough of that in Batman.
I didn't watch, but goodness - Christina Applegate went through a double mastectomy last year. The sack top may have been a utilitarian choice (I don't know if reconstruction has been done/is complete) or an emotional choice. I wouldn't choose it for myself, but I definitely wouldn't question her choice.
ReplyDeleteThose outfits can certainly be over the top, though!
I actually really like Kate Winslet's dress. I'm inlove with that color and the cut doesn't bug me.
ReplyDeleteI loved Kate Winslets dress, the color the cut -- all of it. I hated Terri Hatchers dress and America Ferrera's. Loved the color of Eva Longoria's.
ReplyDeleteI didn't watch, but I do kind of like Kate Winslet's dress. And, like SLynnRo,I am done with Angelina Jolie.
ReplyDeletei didn't watch last night - i usually get too bored with awards shows. so instead i'll answer the wedding gift question :-)
ReplyDeletei usually go about $50 for a wedding gift for general acquaintances; $100ish or up for good friends; less if i'm in the wedding and have to get shower gifts / flights / bridesmaid dresses as well. tack on more if i'm bringing a guest who isn't getting them a gift, probably. another tack on if i can't make it to the wedding, usually.
Oh man, I disagree on almost every single dress. Particularly Kate Winslet. She looks FAB! Hair, dress, colour, body, (boobs particularly, I thought! That is too far?)... all around! And America was stunnnning.
ReplyDeleteAgree to disagree.
I actually really like what Kate Winslet is wearing and the only thing that could make Laura Linney's dress better is if it were the same purple as Amy Adams'. Now I'm going to go look at all the pictures. :)
ReplyDeleteHey! It's Tuesday here! :)
ReplyDeleteok, i think my mom wore a prom dress that looked like angelina's dress back in 1980.
ReplyDeleteI also had issues with Amy Adams dress. There was something about the tumor of fabric and the boobs. There were a lot of boob issues last night. My fashion review is coming up tonight too!
ReplyDeleteLOVED this post. So fun!
ReplyDeleteMy theory on Angelina Jolie is that she's hiding over-thinness.
Oh! I have a second theory on Angelina Jolie, and that is that she either kind of hates Hollywood/U.S. stuff or she wants to appear to kind of hate Hollywood/U.S. stuff. So she wears boring dresses to be like, "Glamor is really stupid."
ReplyDeleteThe only one I love without reservations is the last one (the yellow). All the others I like but don't love.
ReplyDeleteI love AMy Adam's dress..:)
ReplyDeleteClaire Danes wins in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteWow..! I love Kate Winslet's dress. Its full of glamorous.
ReplyDeleteI cant believe the press hasn't had a field day with Katie Holmes' crooked hard nipples! There was at least an inch difference giving her a wall-eyed look.