But I do have a post up elsewhere today--over at Work It, Mom's Problem Solved blog, I'm giving out wedding planning tips. Because if there's anything I'm an expert on, that's it. Right?
And over here, let's talk about something fluffy! How awesome was Michelle Obama's ball gown last night? For those of you who missed it, here's a photo:

Seriously, perfect, and designed by Jason Wu, who is only 26 years old. Unbelievable.
I didn't watch the inauguration coverage all day yesterday, but I did watch the swearing in and a bit of the balls, and can I just say how amazing it is to have such a young, energetic family in the White House? Those girls are beyond adorable, and Barack and Michelle actually dance together. It's just a whole different vibe, because really, can you picture George and Laura doing this in front of the White House, or anywhere for that matter?

I'm just saying.
There were so many other adorable and touching moments during the day, and really pictures just say it best.
Sasha and Malia are just unspeakably cute:

I thought the way the Bidens and the Obamas escorted the Bushes to their helicopter and waved goodbye was incredibly classy and dignified:

But really, what gets to me most is the way Barack and Michelle interact. There is just so much love and respect evident between them. I have that with Torsten, and I love that our president has that too and is so willing to show it and set an example of a positive, equal marriage for everyone to see.
I mean, just look at them together:

So, what stood out for you about the inauguration?
I love everything about the new first family! I think they seem so down to earth and just "real." Not stuffy and all buttoned up, but just relatable.
ReplyDeleteI told my husband last night that it's been a long time since we've had a first couple that seem in love. I mean, I think Laura loves George, don't get me wrong, but the Obamas just ooze love and mutual respect which I did not ever get from the Bushes or the Clintons.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I see those Obama girls, I'm just sort of blown away by how WEIRD it would be to see your own father sworn in as president of the United States. I just can't imagine it.
ReplyDeleteAw, those pictures you posted are so cute I just want to die. Yesterday was lovely.
I'd say the love gets me, too.
ReplyDeleteThey are so so in love.
And it's wonderful!
Who knew our president and his wife could be a role model for marriages and relationships?
Love can change the world. (corny? maybe. but true!)
Seeing the President and First Lady together makes my heart pitter patter. They seem SO in LOVE!
ReplyDeleteI just love that there is a young family in the White House.
Watching them dance. It blew me away, they just let us all fall in love with them!
ReplyDeleteThat and how when Barack said "how good looking is my wife?" before they danced, Michelle looked like she seriously considered walking over and hitting him lol
i agree that the obamas are so adorable together and it's clear that they are still madly in love. their daughters are so dang cute, too!
ReplyDeleteYou know, Sasha and Malia were in J.Crew.
ReplyDeleteAdmittedly, not a Bush fan, but I do think he was a good loving husband and I do believe he and Laura are a good couple. I suppose I can check it out in person since I now live a few miles from them.
I loved his speech. And I LOVE that there is a real family in the White House again - young kids and an evidently awesome marriage are so relatable to me.
ReplyDeleteGood times in '09, is what I'm saying...
I love how classy the new family is! I love how poised those girls are and Michelle's fantastic taste in clothes. I love that she wears J Crew and doesn't need big designer names. I'm so excited for the new president and it gives me goosebumps the rest of the world shares in our excitement about change :)
ReplyDeleteI was watching on the BBC and as he was about to step out onto the stage, there was this short moment, where he took a deep breath and just exhaled.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that he was nervous, or overwhelmed before stepping out to take his oath, is what I think I will always remember. That ultimately, no matter how many ridiculous expectations are placed on him he is still human.
Very humbling and inspiring.
I really love how they are together. It's so refreshing and heart-warming. And they are one sexy couple!
ReplyDeleteI'm more than a little obsessed with the Bidens, so having them around (and now VPOTUS!) was amazing. Jill's coat was darling, Joe is so great, etc. And of course the Obama family is wonderful.
ReplyDeletePossibly the BEST part was Bush's face during Obama's speech. He looked like he was pouting and it was both hilarious and adorable.
aww the dance was super beautiful when I watched it on tv..JASON WU is genius indeed. And a very lucky young designer because Michelle Obama could pick a lot of great designers but she picked him.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many things that were awesome and funny (in a kind hearted way, not a mean spirited way). The thumbs up Obama's daughter gave him after the speech, Obama shouting "it's warm!" to Al Roker during the parade and the "first things first: how good looking is my wife?" at the neighborhood inaugural ball... There was just so much happiness yesterday, it's hard to know where to start! (I have to say though that Joe Biden's one eyed "is Rick Warren done yet?" check during the invocation TOTALLY cracked me up (again in a kind way, not a mean way) :)
ReplyDeleteThe fact that they got out of the motorcade and WALKED THE STREETS SAYING HELLO AND WAVING TO EVERYONE. It made it more personal. The fact that Michelle gave Laura Bush a gift, of a journal and pen for her memoirs. Never in history has a gift been given! So Michelle thought about Laura and picked something thoughtful. The kids, the first family are just very down to earth. You feel like you know them, and they let down their guard. That they really care and think about the American people. That they care about service. It is just a different world already. I loved how they were adorable together at the ball. So classy, and so much in love....:)
ReplyDeleteI think my highlights are about the same as you. I guess my ultimate favorite is the first dance last night with Beyonce singing, I had tears in my eyes.
ReplyDeleteBut I have only watched some of the coverage since I couldn't watch it at work. I loved both of her outfits, the only thing that bugs me is the woman needs some lipstick! She is beautiful, stunningly beautiful, and her makeup is flawless but the pale shades of lipstick she wears wash her out. Will someone please take care of this for me?????
I really, really like the Obamas, Michelle in particular. And my goodness, the girls, I think they are so so cute.
ReplyDeleteHowever, and here is where I cannot agree with you, I think the ball gown did nothing for her. At all. The shape of it made her look like she was slouching, and took away from her figure. I think a similar dress with less accents and chiffon and a little more structure would have been worn to better effect. I did like her inauguration outfit a lot more.
More importantly, Obama better get out of the partying mode and back to work. Lord knows the country needs it.
I agree with everything you said. I love seeing people who are really, wholly in love and not afraid to show it to the world.
ReplyDeleteI know it is a little "lighthearted" but the dress! I loved it. And such an improvement over election night.
ReplyDeleteOkay, actually I didn't like Michelle's dress. I think I'm one of the few. I think that it sort of squared off her hips in an unflattering way.
ReplyDeleteBut otherwise, I'm pretty excited about the change. The speeches were great, the fact that he got right down to business was worth a standing ovation.
Also I wondered how completely weird it must feel to have the entire world watching your dance steps.
I absolutely adore the images of President Obama and the First Lady. Seriously, they just look so in love and it's just wonderful to see it shine through. Just about every picture from the Inauguration they were holding hands and smiling at each other. And can I just say that I love it when Obama does a cheesy full grin - it's just great and real and I love it!
ReplyDeleteI fall more and more in love with the Obamas the more I see of them. Yesterday, I cried at the crowds and the movement of a united celebration. Today, I cried when I saw Barack and Michelle dancing. I mean, seriously, could we have any more loving of a first couple? Damn, they are fantastic role models for couples everywhere!
ReplyDeleteobviously the best part for me was being on the mall :-) even though aretha sounded a little.. er.. pitchy, shall we say? i still teared up a bit during her song because OMG THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING AND I AM RIGHT HERE.
ReplyDeletei liked michelle's inauguration outfit a LOT, but didn't love her ball gown. i do love that it was by a young relatively unknown, though :-)
I couldn't get over the news reports that when Senator Kennedy collapsed, President Obama went over personally while he was waiting to be loaded into the ambulance before his speech to the Congressional luncheon.
ReplyDeleteWhat a class act. His family makes me feel like I should try just a little bit harder to be the kind of person they want me to be.
yes very much agreed! She is such a strong female. Their love is so equal. I am jealous of that relationship. It's pretty much the best.
ReplyDeleteI think it requires a certain amount of natural gravitas and confidence in your own intellect to be a little goofy without coming off as a goof. I can picture the Bushes dancing on the viewing platform, but I'd be laughing at them. I get the impression that George is VERY playful, but wary of perpetuating the assumption that he's a moron. He was telling good jokes when he touched down in Midland.
ReplyDeleteAnd while I think there was a lot of love and devotion between George and Laura, the more traditional wifely role that she played even before politics made her a first lady made their relationship less modern (and perhaps then to us less admirable) than the Obamas.
"We will extend a hand if you will open your fist."
ReplyDeleteThat moment in the speech sent goosebumps all over my body.
And I agree, I love the new first family. They seem like the kind of people I'd want to have a barbecue with, and really, what's more American than that? :)
I love everything about the Obamas. Those girls are so cute, especially Sasha. I like her spunk. Everyone looked flawless.
ReplyDeleteI love that too. Despite all the stress placed on their relationship, you can still tell that they are crazy about each other. It's just one of the many, many reasons Obama gives me hope.
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ReplyDeleteI liked how when the lines got flubbed, Obama acted gracious and calm and even amused. I would have been FWEEKING OUT.
ReplyDeleteI liked seeing Malia with her camera, taking pictures of her dad.
I loved when people went CRAZY waving their flags.
I loved the instrument quartet, although I couldn't stop thinking how FREEZING COLD they must be.
And I had fun translating Obama's speech for my gradeschoolers:
Obama: Several paragraphs!
Me: He says we should try to be good people.
Obama: Several paragraphs!
Me: He says it won't be easy all the time, and in fact it might be harder than it has been.
Obama: Several paragraphs!
Me: He says we'll be nice to other nations if they're nice to us.