And yeah, the cake turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself:

And it looks like the neighbors agreed:

Also this weekend, we went to our first farmers' market of the season, and got some delicious bread, jam, and honey (the three breakfast staples of the summer months, according to Torsten). Have you ever had rhubarb blueberry jam? Apparently, it's delicious. I don't much care for either rhubarb or blueberries, so I have abstained (also I don't tolerate bread very well and really, what else do you eat jam on?), but the rave reviews and orgasmic noises from Torsten seem to imply that the jam is of excellent quality.
Oh, and I took Montana to the off-leash state park for a romp on Saturday. There were tons of dogs there as the weather was lovely. And yet, of the dozens of dogs nearby, mine seems to be the only one who gets in the water, splashes around to her heart's content, and then gets out of the water and immediately wants to dry off, and so rolls in the dirt and dust to do so.
Seriously, it would be incredibly adorable if she didn't get so freaking dirty in the process. She comes out of the water looking wet but still like herself, and then she puts her head sideways in the dirt, drops the rest of her body down, and rolls wildly back and forth until she is fully coated in nice brown dirt and mud. She is literally unrecognizable after she's done--she looks like a chocolate lab.
I should really bring the camera next time I go there with her, to capture not only the ridiculous drying-off process but also the beautiful park itself. It really is wonderful. I feel so lucky living so close to such an amazing place. We have an annual state parks pass and it was the best $60 we ever spent.
Seriously, though. Does anyone else's dog do this? Why is mine the only one who gets out of the water and goes straight for the dirt?
That looks delicious. I would please like that leftover quarter of cake delivered for breakfast, please.
ReplyDeleteDoes that cake travel well? If so, send me one, please! =)
ReplyDeleteSoMi isn't a roller. The few times she's done it is when she sees another dog doing it and tries to copy them (she's such a follower). But, the stern tone in our voices yelling at her to cut it out is enough to scare her silly. She stops immediately. Plus, she's already black, so I'm not sure we can really tell when she's dirty or not. Heh.
Cake= YUM.
ReplyDeleteAnd our (previous) dog had a love of rolling in anything dead. Take her to a park, and she'd sniff out a dead animal corps from MILES and roll around in it. (Dogs can be so gross!)
Scones! Jam goes on scones! And also those little hard cracker things. Can't think what they're called now. But it is tasty good.
ReplyDeleteI am drooling. Cake for breakfast today would have been amazing!!
ReplyDeleteThat cake looks delicious. MMMMM.
ReplyDeleteShorty is afraid of the water, I think. And he has some kind of magical fur that seems to repel dirt. Every time we take him camping, we're convinced we'll need to give him a bath, but every time we get home, he's clean and smells good. It's so weird (but awesome).
Stir a little jam into plain yogurt to flavor it. Or oatmeal.
ReplyDeleteOur dog ALWAYS used to do that. Without fail. So I'm not sure if it's a doggy thing or a special trait reserved only for the most adorable dogs. :) Could be either.
ReplyDeleteAlso, that cake? YUM.
Would it be terrible if I told you that I sometimes eat jam right off the knife? Yes? Ok then. I (shifty eyes) don't. I usually eat jam on crackers anyway - my preferred vehicle for jam - mouth transport are Stoned Wheat Thins with light cream cheese and jam. Mmmm. Cake looks lovely. And yes, cleaning off the dog after a dirtbath sounds like a lot of work!
ReplyDeleteI agree that a State Parks Pass is a great purchase, but I think we usually spend less than $30 for our Michigan one! :-)
ReplyDeletemaybe someone else already said this, but: jam is also a delicious addition to plain yogurt - I especially like it in Fage Greek yogurt. You can even put it in cottage cheese. So there's an alternative to bread for you.
ReplyDeleteOh, that looks YUMMY.
ReplyDeleteOur dog does not enjoy water AND only rolls in a) warm grass and b) freshly-cut mint. I'm actually not kidding. However, I believe that this is a karmic reward (and yes, ok, I realize that neither behavior has ANYTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH ME) for the fact that my previous dog would seek out and roll in dead things every time we took a walk.
ha! chris's dog does that back-squirmy roll thing, but usually in grass. although the times i've seen him drying off after water, only grass was really available, so i'm not sure what he'd roll in, given his druthers :-)
ReplyDeleteOmg that cake (and frosting, mmm) looks to die for! I totally want to give that a test!
ReplyDeleteI miss cake. Sigh. That one looks GOOD.
ReplyDeleteMy mom's dog used to rub in the grossest thing he could find on the beach- one time it was the dead carcass of a sea lion! GROSS.
That cake looks DELICIOUS!
ReplyDeleteFuzzy Britches is a roller. In fact, at least once a day she rolls in the grass at our house. She doesn't normally roll in dirt after getting in water though- she just runs towards us and gets as close to us as possible before shaking all of the water off- and onto us. She really does that on purpose.
Wow, rhubarb and blueberry? I've never heard of those two together, but DANG, does it sound good. Of course, I love both of them separately, so I'm not exactly a hard sell.
ReplyDeleteArgo won't go in the water past the dog equiv. of ankles, but he will actually dig a trench to lie in if you don't watch him carefully. Maybe it keeps them cool?
ReplyDeletedo you like greek yogurt? i like plain fage 0% greek yogurt with a little jam.
ReplyDeleteLooks delish.