- I procrastinate. A lot. But I seem to have a very sharp ability to calculate exactly how much time it will really take me to do something, and do it properly, and I manage not to procrastinate beyond that point, so everything still ends up getting done. But this is a dangerous flaw because when I make these calculations, I allow no room for error, so if something unexpected comes up, I would be screwed. So far this hasn't really happened (or if it does, the only thing I lose is some sleep), but theoretically, it could. So I'm glad I'm not in college anymore, is what I'm saying. I don't miss those all-night paper-writing marathons. Ugh.
- I don't eat enough vegetables. And I don't eat all-natural, or grain-free, or any of those other things. But I eat pretty well, and I'm losing weight steadily, and I eat some vegetables, and I take my vitamins. So I'm OK with this. Could I get better? Yes. Is it a top priority for me right now? No. Sorry.
- I'm lazy. This probably ties in to the procrastination thing. I don't like to get up to get a drink when I'm comfortable on the couch. I often don't feel like cooking dinner. I put off things that I don't feel like doing (currently: taking the dog to the vet for a heartworm test before buying her summer meds). But, I'm not lazy to the point of letting things go completely. Our house is relatively clean, I eventually do get off my ass and make dinner, I will get the dog tested shortly, well within the standard Denver time frame (different from most due to the altitude)... it'll all get done. But yeah, Torsten suffers from this because he ends up bringing me a lot of glasses of water. But I'm OK with that because I will also get out of bed in the middle of the night and bring him a glass of water if he wants one. So it all evens out.
- I am defensive. My immediate reaction to criticism is to assume that the person criticizing me is wrong, or doesn't understand the full picture. The reason I'm OK with this flaw is that if the criticism is legitimate, I usually come around to it eventually. After that initial snappy reaction, I will think about what's been said and decide if it holds merit or not. That's my saving grace in this situation for sure.
- I'm too laid back about some things. Sometimes this is a great thing but sometimes it gets me into trouble. My default assumption is that everything is fine. The problem is that I'm almost always right so in those times when everything isn't fine, I often don't find out right away. I assume that every cold and other sickness is fine and will go away on its own. I assume that every little problem with our house is no big deal. That's why we didn't check the pipes for a year after we moved in even though we knew they had been leaking before and might not have been fixed properly. Whenever Torsten worried about it I told him I was sure it was fine. Then one day he finally removed the wall panel to check and lo and behold, there was a leak. Luckily there was no water damage and it was an easy and cheap fix, but it could have been a lot worse and we wouldn't have known. I still think it's better to sometimes underestimate an issue than to constantly freak out about every little thing, however.
New Recipe: Greek Penne Pasta
This recipe sounded delicious to me when I came across it, and it turned
out that it was. Also, I've reached the point with cooking where I can make
a few ...
15 years ago
I am definitely also lazy in that way, but since I currently have no one to bring me water on command it's usually to my own detriment. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fascinating list, Jess. I've got to admit, I was surprised you think of yourself as a procrastinator, as being lazy and as being too laid back. My initial reaction was you're none of the above (but, not in a bad way). I think of your decision to move to Denver and all the things that had to come together with that move. I never once got the sense that you procrastinated, were lazy or were overly laid back about that move. You were organized, on the ball, ready to get things moving as soon as everything came together. I'd argue the same thing for wanting to start a family. Do you think maybe these things might not apply to things you're passionate about?
ReplyDeleteUmm, I could have written this post (maybe not as artfully), but yes to all 5. Especially 1, 3, and 4.
ReplyDeleteI think you're right on that last point, I wish I wasn't such a worrier! Being more laid back is something I strive for.
ReplyDeletepffft about the eating. If you're comfortable with what you're doing, screw the rest of 'em.
ReplyDeleteI'm super lazy too - Keith gets me A LOT of drinks, and sometimes the laundry stays in the basket for 2 days before getting folded, and the dishes on the side of the sink before getting done. But it usually gets done sooner or later, so I don't waste time worrying about it.
I think everyone's initial reaction to critism is defensive. It takes a pretty open-minded person to look at it again and see the merit in that critism (if its warranted, of course), which I think you do. It's something I definitely work on.
I'm basically the opposite of everything you listed and still consider those opposites MY flaws. Interesting, no? I can't sit still. I'm too go-go-go. I have trouble relaxing. I eat a ton of veggies.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to be self-accepting. People spend far too much time beating themselves up.
While eating vegetables is good and so on, don't worry about not eating "all natural." That's a mystical hippie anti-intellectual buzzword, and means nothing as far as actual healthiness of food goes.
ReplyDeleteBut if you prefer cyanide with your vanilla, by all means go for the natural stuff.
I expect my husband to be able to read my mind.
ReplyDeleteWow Jess I had no idea you were some of these things. So interesting! You certainly don't come off as a procrastinator. I always think to myself "That Jess is so on top of things!" Good to know that none of us are perfect I guess, heh. Also, I'm totally number 4.
ReplyDeleteChiming in to say YES, these are my flaws, too! Except that the task to be done invovles PHONING someone it will typically take much, much longer, usually well past the grace period in which it still gets done on time (and if it involves a DIFFICULT phone call? well...I've definitely dropped some balls in my life, and these balls can usually be traced back to difficult phone calls that were not made).
ReplyDeleteUm, I think your definition of lazy and mind differ quite a bit. Hee!
ReplyDeleteI'm with Nilsa, I've always thought of you as someone who is on her game - all the time.
ReplyDeleteAs for your list, you and I are pretty similar up through #4. As for #5? I am wound up way too tight. I am working on it though.
I am an "Everything is FINE!" person too. And I procrastinate, with no wiggle room for errors (gets tricky with kids!) (I think I like the challenge!), AND I'm defensive. We have much in common, I guess.
ReplyDeleteI used to procastinate like a mofo until it started interfering with your #5. I found that procrastination isn't compatible with being laid back, in my case.
ReplyDeleteI do numbers 4 and 5 in a huge way. I like your explanations, though. I have a quote on my desk at work that says, "Just because I don't take criticism well doesn't mean I'm not hearing it."
ReplyDeleteI totally meant to come and comment on your blog sooner but....
ReplyDeleteYep - I am also a procrastinator. And am lazy as well. Jase always makes fun of me because when I'm comfy on my 'spot' of the lounge, I make him hand drinks to me - since he's closer to the coffee table and all that! ;-)
i have to agree with some of the other girls. i'm surprised by some of the things you listed. you come off as someone who is on top of everything and so not a procrastinator. i thought you would have been the girl in college who starts working on an assignment right away.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually the opposite in my flaws. I'm the opposite of a procrastinator... and freak out when things aren't done right away. I'm really not good at just letting things happen as they will.
ReplyDeleteThis is pretty much a list of my flaws too.
ReplyDeleteI'm the same kind of procrastinator! I WILL get it done, and everyone knows I will, but I can't do a little at a time to get there. I have to leave it all and then get it done in crunch time. And I am the queen of not getting up when I'm sitting down. So annoying! I'll suddenly realize how thirsty/hungry, etc. I am, but it takes so long to do something about it. I'll also put off taking Tylenol when I have a headache - not for any kind of health-philosopy reasons - because going to get the Tylenol, opening the bottle, and getting water seems like a monumental task.