I hope that everyone had a great weekend. Personally, I spent most of it at home after being sick on Friday. Torsten was also sick--he seems to be about a week behind me on the same cold. But after lots of sleep we are both feeling a lot better than we were on Friday. And we have decided to go to the Dominican Republic for our honeymoon. So that is an exciting decision made.
Also, you guys all had really interesting things to say about the whole "not that into you" question on Friday. From your comments, I drew a basic conclusion: sometimes needing space is a legitimate concern. But a bunch of conflict-avoiding types have ruined it for the rest of us. And if someone says they aren't interested in dating right now, unless they have just gotten out of a serious relationship, then what they really mean is they aren't interested in dating you right now.
See? I learn so much from you guys.
Now, onto today's actual subject: I was tagged by Shelly at notthedaddy to share five facts about myself. It seems that everybody who does this meme selects a particular theme to focus on. Since I have been so honeymoon-focused recently, I think I'll make mine about travel.
1. I have been to three of the seven continents: North America, Europe, and Africa. My goal is to visit all seven. For Antarctica, I want to do one of those really cool cruises that cost five figures. This will clearly have to wait until I win the lottery. Also, did you guys know that in Europe, conventional wisdom holds that there are only five continents? Antarctica doesn't count and North and South America are considered as one. If you try to argue with anyone about that, they will tell you, "But they're connected!" The fact that Europe and Asia are a hell of a lot more connected does not seem to matter.
2. I have been to 35 of the 50 US states. Almost all of the states I haven't visited are in the midwest or northwest. Of the states I haven't yet visited, Alaska is on the top of my places I want to see, followed by Wyoming and Colorado. Torsten and I would love to do a US road trip but we are more interested in the western half of the country, starting at about the Dakotas, so that would be a lot of wasted driving between here and there.
3. When I was one year old, my family drove from my aunt and uncle's house in Washington state to California in two days. Apparently I cried the entire first day. Literally, the whole way, which was at least ten hours in the car, until we stopped at a hotel for the night. The next day when my parents put me back in my car seat, I started crying again, and then gave up. I am surprised I didn't wind up in a cardboard box on the side of the highway somewhere in Oregon.
4. I wish Asia weren't so far away, because it has most of the countries that I really want to visit. Specifically, Japan, China, and Thailand. And not just because of the cuisine, either.
5. I am still not used to traveling with just Torsten and planning the trips myself. It is such a difference from a family vacation where my parents planned everything. Not that they didn't do a good job planning our family trips. But it's a new feeling for me to be scheduling hotels, restaurant reservations, flights, and itineraries myself. I still kind of feel like I should call my mom to confirm our plans before I hand over my credit card. This makes me wonder if I will ever truly feel grown up.
New Recipe: Greek Penne Pasta
This recipe sounded delicious to me when I came across it, and it turned
out that it was. Also, I've reached the point with cooking where I can make
a few ...
15 years ago
I have a goal to visit all 50 states too! I mostly have west coast states left.
ReplyDeleteGlad you're feeling better!
Drool, this makes me want to travel now. Dominican Republic is a great choice!
ReplyDeleteThere are so many things I want to call my mom and discuss before I do it. One of these days she's going to tell me to suck it up and just do it!
ReplyDeleteYou're one continent up on me, although I may be going to Asia at some point this year. I love travelling with Mark and I especially love making all the travel plans. Your honeymoon is going to be truly fantastic.
ReplyDeleteYou're so well-traveled! I don't know how many states I've been to - a lot I think. Two I haven't been to, but would love to are Alaska and Texas. I would actually like to live in Alaska for awhile.
ReplyDeleteI don't have much interest in Antartica, but I would love to go to other other continents. So far, I've only made it to North America and Europe. Hopefully Australia is next on my list.
We have a lot of the same goals!
ReplyDeleteI have 41 of the 50 states and I'll get Europe and Africa on our honeymoon. SO WEIRD!
I am glad you made a decision on the honeymoon. I hear the DR is actually very very nice. I hope you have a WONDERFUL time! I hear this is supposed to be the best time of our lives (... all the wedding planning).
YESSSSSSS for the honeymoon! I've heard great things about the Dominican! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd true enough - I had my mom read over our travel agreement before I said "okay" - it takes adjusting, this whole 'adulthood' thing!
One of my goals is to visit all 50 states, but that would require me getting up off the couch, and that's not going so well. So far, I've been to 16. Ugh.
ReplyDeletesadly i am not as well travelled as you jess. but i hope to change that. i'm working on a list of things to do before i'm 30 and travelling more is definitely on it!
ReplyDeleteGood pick! I have never been futher west driving in car than Arkansas, and even that was just over the state line. Just counted and I have only been to 12 states! From the southeast to northeast, plus Colorado and Alaska. :o)
ReplyDeleteThe Dominican Republic is a great choice! What did you end up deciding about when to go...before or after the election?
ReplyDeleteWe drove through Colorado and Wyoming last year on our way back to Oregon from Texas (taking the long route through Idaho so I could see some of my family). I think I missed the most beautiful parts of Colorado because Will wanted to get through the state before we stopped for the night. Wyoming, however, was so absolutely gorgeous to me. The land is so rugged and...I don't know. I want to go back.
ReplyDeleteI want to see all 50 states too! So far I haven't hit very many, but I really want to take some time to explore the East Coat. I've been a West Coast person all my life and while I have lived in both Alaska and Hawaii, the farthest east I have been was Texas...which, no offense to anyone here, but should really count as its own country :)
I've heard nothing but awesome stories about the Dominican. You're going to have so much fun!
ReplyDeleteThe Dominican Republic sounds like a lovely choice.
ReplyDeleteWyoming is gorgeous, particularly in the eastern third and the northern two-thirds of the state. The southwestern corner is pretty hardscrabble, but beautiful in its own right. Of course, I'm biased on that, because I grew up in Utah and my mother is from Green River, Wyoming, so I spent a lot of time in that part of the country.
I really would like to visit all 50 states. I have the upper northeast somewhat covered. Having never been on a plane until a year ago limited my goal.
ReplyDeleteYou are such a world traveler!
Wow! You are SO well-traveled. And no, you will never feel like you've grown up. I've been planning my own trips for some time now, and I still feel like I want someone to tell me that I'm doing it right. I think I'll feel about 17 for the rest of my life. And my kids think I know what the hell I'm doing. HA!
ReplyDeleteI also want to visit all 50, I've got about 10 left and they are mostly in the south and the northern mid-west. And I totally want to go on a cruise to Antarctica!!
One of the first moments I knew Sweets and I were meant to be was when we traveled together. Because we traveled so well together. We can't wait to do more traveling together!
ReplyDeleteOoo, this was so fun to read. I love traveling, like you have no idea!
ReplyDeleteAfrica! Cool! I want to go there someday.
ReplyDeleteNot antarctica though. I've spent too much time in barren alpine areas to know that antarctica will be nothing but rocks and snow, and how dull for me. Still I guess it'd be cool to say you've been there though.
I am so excited for you! The honeymoon is going to be so much fun.
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to visit all 50 states, too. I've only been to about half, but I figure I've got plenty of time to get to the others. :) I can't wait to hear where you decide to go on your honeymoon.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was little, instead of crying on road trips, I spent the entire time talking or singing. My mom referred to them as "stream of consciousness songs." They used to try to feed me to get me to shut up.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind vacation planning - we always challenge ourselves to see as much for as cheaply as we can. What I DO dislike (seriously dislike) is the pressure to spend all of our holidays (the Canadian equivalent of 'vacation') with family. Our big two-week holiday break this year will be spent with my inlaws (*cough* *choke*). We really wanted to do a summer road-trip here...alas.
ReplyDeleteI've heard great things about the DR though and I hope all your Honeymoon planning will be time well spent!
FYI, if we had found you on the side of the road in a cardboard box, we totally would have taken care of you. Oregonians are good like that. :P
ReplyDeleteI want to go on one of those damn Antarctica cruises too. And the one to the Galapagos. Which is currently booked until 2010.
ReplyDeleteI also have the goal of setting foot on all 7 continents! I've got the same three as you do, and this summer I get to knock South America off my list! Woohoo!
ReplyDeleteI don't know how I'm going to get to Antarctica, but I kindof want to rough-it. I wonder if I could volunteer on a resarch vessel or something... hmmmm....
I want to travel EVERYWHERE! It doesn't matter, I don't think you can ever see enough, there is always something new!
ReplyDeleteI will never grow up either, I will always need my mom for something. I think it is part of being a daughter.
I wanna visit Alaska pretty badly, too.
ReplyDeleteFor seriously.
Woo hoo for picking a honeymoon destination. I spent a decent chunk of yesterday looking at places and still not being able to make up my mind. I'm really indecisive sometimes too, boo.
ReplyDeleteI would love to go out west. I've never been past Louisiana and only up and down the east coast.
I want to go to all the states and every continent some day too.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever heard about the King of Morocco trying to join the EU by claiming that his country was so close to Spain that it should be considered part of Europe?
i have been to the DR and i can say i LOVED it. it is one of my fv places on earth and i want to go back.
ReplyDeleteyou two will have a BLAST. any questions, let me know...happy to try and answer them!!!
muah! and sorry for comment absence as of late. i'm currently home sick curled up in bed, so i totally feel where you were at last week. :)
xoxo, b
I can't wait to hear how you like it (or don't but I"m sure you will!)
ReplyDeleteI'm totally aching to travel right now but we have to wait at least a Year. I"m trying to make do with around the area stuff that we can do in a weekend but It's just not the same!
Hope it's wonderful!
Visiting all 50 states is a goal of mine too. I have been to all but 13 but they are all in the northeast. You would think living in NYC would have been the perfect opportunity, but apparently not. One day I'll get there!
ReplyDeleteMy Grandmother had a goal to visit all 50 states, and finally got it done in this past year. You're doin' great on that though! 35! Holy crap! I think I'm at like 15 MAAYBE 20, and that only counts if being in the Airport, and driving through without stopping counts.
ReplyDeleteSo, WOO! for you!
I wish I traveled more around the US. I was so focused on traveling to other countries that I kind of forgot my own. I would love a cross country road trip. How fun that would be!
ReplyDeleteI pray you never feel truly "grown up" because that's when you get to be "too mature" to have food fights in your kitchen or laugh yourself silly.
ReplyDeleteGrown up is not all it's cracked up to be, my friend.
If you decide to hit the mid-west, I recommend Montana! Where I am. Obviously.
ReplyDeleteThat's a lot of continents covered. Asia isn't so far away... hope you make it some day.
ReplyDeleteI'd also like to see Thailand. Might actually be going this year, just waiting on my bursary money and the right time. If I do go I'll tell you all aout it in my blog.
ReplyDeleteTravel is so much fun...I would love to visit all 50 states too! I have lots left though...
ReplyDeleteI totally agree about the whole calling mom thing! I cannot STAND paying for a plane flight, I am forever freaking out that I am booking the wrong date or time or location or whatever.