- Go to Goodwill. Specifically, one near a Target store, since Goodwill has a relationship with Target and gets their clearance goods that didn't sell and are still brand new with the tags on. Goodwill seems like the kind of store, if any, that could fit in our budget at the moment. I've been meaning to go there for months. But it hasn't happened.
- Get my hair cut. Except I still can't decide if I want to just trim it or if I want to hack it all off. And also, haircuts are expensive so I try to force as much distance between them as possible. And my hair hasn't really hit that "shaggy" stage yet, so I'm holding off. Maybe by the time it's gotten shaggy, I'll know what I want to do with it.
- Get some quotes for house repairs. Specifically, I want to know how much it would cost to repair the siding on our house vs. replacing it with brick, and I want to know how much it would cost to replace all the windows in the house. Not that we can afford either of these things in the near future, but I like to have savings and budgeting goals, and it would help me figure out how realistic it would be to do either of those things, next year or ever, if I knew how much they would actually cost.
- Find a dermatologist. Torsten and I both want to get our moles checked just to make sure there is nothing suspicious or worrying. I don't have a ton, and as far as I can tell they are all normal, but I am certainly not an expert, and skin cancer is something I would rather avoid.
- Make a quilt. I used to do this regularly, but I haven't done it for a long time, but for the last few months I've been itching to do it again. I'm not sure if I actually will, though--fabric isn't always cheap, and it takes a lot of time, and really, what would I do with it? Just stick it in the linen closet with my other quilts, most likely. And what's the point of that?
- Find something to hang from the hook on the ceiling of our back patio. We had a hanging plant there last year, but it died. We were thinking maybe a bird feeder would be better, but with the dog hanging out in the yard, is there a chance in hell that birds will actually come? I have no idea.
New Recipe: Greek Penne Pasta
This recipe sounded delicious to me when I came across it, and it turned
out that it was. Also, I've reached the point with cooking where I can make
a few ...
15 years ago
I would like to get to the dermatologist too. I burn way too easily and would like one of those full body scans. The doctor can then compare the scan in future years to see if moles have changed, etc. A friend of a friend told me about this (she had skin cancer on her neck about three years ago and is only 31!).
ReplyDeleteI sometimes find it hard to get myself moving but once I do, I'm on a roll! Maybe if you can make yourself do one of these things it'll be easier to get started on or make a decision about all of them.
ReplyDeleteWe got a quote for our windows a couple of years ago. I can safely say that, unless they actually start to fall apart, new windows will never be on the top of my priority list. I think it will take a really long time for $12,000 in savings on my utility bills to show up for the windows to "pay for themselves".
ReplyDeleteMay I suggest going to a Goodwill in or near an upscale area, if you have such a thing? I frequent one that's just a mile or two down the road from one of my town's most expensive areas, and I've gotten designer label, barely worn clothes.
ReplyDeleteFWIW, Macy's donates tags-still-on items to Goodwill around here as well.
I've never BEEN to the Goodwill in Cherry Creek, and I don't actually know where it is, but word on the street is that it's one of the best in Colorado, due to the effect Kristen describes.
ReplyDeleteDecent windows in my experience run about $1,000 each--slightly less for the smaller ones, and sometimes quite a bit more for the bigger ones. So you might be able to ballpark that yourself (and if not, and you want names of companies, let me know. I've been reasonably satisfied with the company that replaced our windows, and we also talked to a higher end company that would have been nice, if we could have afforded it).
Haircuts are $15 at the Aveda training place on the 16th street mall. That's where I get mine. They take about 2 hours, but hey, a $15 haircut that's actually good.
ReplyDeleteAnd expect any bird feeder you put up to be frequented by squirrels before the birds ever have a chance. :(
I really want to quilt except I have zero patience for the particulars of it. I have a friend who is an amazing quilter. I'm thinking if I ever get pregnant I can get one out of her. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI have a similar list though- find a doc for a physical, get new glasses, power wash the fire escape stairs...but none of it is PRESSING so I keep leaving it on the list untouched.
Maybe you could hang a hummingbird feeder from that hook? Less messy than bird seed, trust me. :)
ReplyDeleteMaking a quilt seems like a winter activity to me. I don't know why, nor do I know how to make one, but it sounds like a cozy, by-the-fire thing to do.
ReplyDeleteOh, the mole thing. So little fun, yet so necessary. I have one on my upper arm that I think may be acting like a weirdo as of late, so I've got this on my list too. Thanks for the reminder!
ReplyDeleteI'd go with the hanging plant, myself; when we had a dog he would bark and bark and BARK at the birds, chasing them all over the yard. He never really caught one but the behavior was crazy-making.
Oh yes, the birds will still come! We have a large-ish dog and 2 cats that never leave the windows and/or screened in porch and stil have a butt load of birds AND 2 hummingbird feeders that constantly need refilling.
ReplyDeleteI think birds will show up regardless of Montana. I say bird feeder. I love birds!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea on getting quotes so you can budget for them. Windows are so freakin' expensive. Maybe you can get a tax break with all the green incentives out there?
Salvation Armys have fitting rooms. :)
ReplyDeleteI've been to the dermatologist twice and the second time they took off 2 moles because they were suspicious. Then I made the Mr. go because he has a lot too and they took one off him. Better to have them caught in the 'suspicious' stage than the cancerous stage!
ReplyDeleteAlso, Goodwill ALWAYS has tons of Target stuff with tags still on around here so I'd totally recommend hitting them up!
In getting quotes for your house repairs, also look into tax credits for installing energy-efficient windows. It will likely make a difference in your savings goals!
ReplyDeleteAlso, around here, a number of the beauty schools offer haircuts for a really reasonable amount. I know a number of people who have gotten pretty sophisticated cuts from the Aveda institute. Maybe there's something similar in Denver that will help take a bite out of the cost.
Quilts make excellent gifts, and are such labours of love. It's a wonderful talent to have.
ReplyDeleteLike other commenters have said, birds will still come even with Montana around, especially hummingbirds!
ReplyDeleteLike Nilsa said, beauty schools are a great place for haircuts, dye jobs, mani/pedis, facials, etc. I get my haircut at my local academy for 12 bucks.
Goodwill and other thrift stores are not only great places for clothes, but also for fabric! You can usually find fabric remnants, or old linens with cool patterns that you could use for fabric.
Oh I would love to learn how to quilt. I think that would be awesome!
ReplyDeleteI always put off getting a hair cut until I can't stand it any longer. It's just so expensive!
I shop Goodwill very frequently. One of my favorite stores; especially for the kids clothes since they ruin them anyway.