Monday, March 2, 2009

Outdoorsy Denver photos!

This weekend was very get-out-and-explore-our-new-town oriented. With the aid of this awesome list, we have some very cool places to check out for walks and hikes, and I hope to hit up all ten of them over the next few months. This weekend we went to number 1, City Park, and number 5, Highline Canal, although we stayed near the city for that one and still have plans to head further south to the more rustic parts of the canal some other weekend. Preferably with the dog.

I hear DC got some serious snow this weekend, which makes me think back to all those DC-ites who said, "But won't you be COLD?" when we told them we were moving to Denver. Well, apparently not, considering that it's been in the 60s and sunny almost every day since we moved here, and the forecast doesn't call for the weather to change anytime soon.

Sorry to all of you East Coasters. But if it's any consolation, I saw a whole bunch of robins this weekend. Spring is coming! And this pre-spring weather is absolutely perfect for walking around exploring the city. Torsten manned the camera (full sets here and here):

See why I love this place already? The mountains are just painfully beautiful. I totally understand why people say the mountains get in their blood. I'm not sure I'm quite there yet, but I can already tell I'm headed in that direction. They've already gotten under my skin and they are definitely headed toward my bloodstream.

And oh, how much more fun will it be to take all these walks and hikes with a dog? This is doggie week! Our interview is on Thursday and my fingers are seriously crossed that things work out with this prison training program. But if they don't, there are many other dogs that need homes in shelters and rescue programs, and I know we'll provide a good one.

Also this weekend, I had brunch with Penny, who is as charming and fun as I was expecting. She has known for months about our plans to move to Denver, and has provided information, links, and even attempts at job networking for us. She has been invaluable and it was so exciting to finally get to MEET her and just sit down and chat instead of being like, "So wait, what's the weather like in November? And what neighborhoods should we check for apartments?" I had a great time, and I didn't even have a panic attack after the fact where I freaked out that she must have hated me. This is serious progress, right?

Three days til dog! Eeeeeeeeeee.


  1. Those pictures look AMAZING! That's the one thing I wish was different about Chicago. Love the city, but the non-city scenery? Not quite so pretty. Also, WAY EXCITED for your dog week. Have you guys thought about names or are you going to keep whatever name they were given?

  2. i love the pictures. i've always wanted to go to denver. it looks so beautiful. i'm glad you guys are so happy, and i can't wait to hear about your new dog!

  3. Yes, you missed the blizzard DC is getting. It is still snowing! :)

    Those pictures are beautiful! Sounds like lovely weather!

  4. Ha ha, I was thinking about that new friend post as I was going there to meet you. I have the same issues. but it was fun! And I hope you get to meet your dogs. I'm crossing fingers for you too.

  5. It's so great to read that you're loving your new town.

  6. DOGGIE WEEK!!! So exciting!! Can you tell I am living vicariously through you here? I wish I could get a dog.
    Lovely pictures!

  7. Wow! So pretty! Congrats on dog day! It must be so hard to wait!

  8. So jealous that you get a dog!!! That's all.

  9. Good luck with the dogs! And then we should totally get together to hike the southern Highline Canal trail--I know some great stretches.

  10. I think we've hiked all of these over the years (and we did marathon training along the Highline canal; it's nice because the mileage is marked!) Red Rocks and Roxborough are probably my favorites, though you really need to see them in May/June when everything's blooming and green.

  11. Pretty pictures!!!

    I hope your interview goes well this week!

    I am very jealous of your weather- it is STILL snowing here in MA. My fiance has already shoveled twice and I'm sure we will be doing it again....

  12. If you think Denver is beautiful, then you must plan a trip to Salt Lake. It is an absolutely gorgeous city with much more closer mountains :)

  13. Pretty pretty pics! I am so excited for you and your dog-to-be!! YAY!

  14. Fun! I'm glad to hear you're already checking out all that your new town has to offer. Once you live someplace for a while, you forget to do that. I should totally do a tourist weekend in my own city sometime. I'm sure there are lists out there featuring all sorts of things I still have not done.

  15. What great pictures! So beautiful.
