Thursday, February 26, 2009

Turning the kaleidoscope

I have to say, I'm struggling a little bit to understand that February really ends this weekend. Seriously, this month flew by. Maybe something to do with packing up and moving across the country? Who knows, but wow, it's almost March, and I'm only a few weeks away from turning 25, and we're only a few weeks away from spring.

Not that you'd know it wasn't already spring from being in Denver. Last night at around 9 p.m. Torsten and I went for a walk downtown in lightweight sweaters and were hot by the end. The bank thermometer we passed said it was 60 degrees. I hear this is a mild winter by Denver standards, but this is impressive.

Anyway, yes, I'm only a few weeks from having lived for a full quarter century. I'm not feeling any sort of quarter-life crisis, though (and BTW, isn't that kind of an optimistic term for 25? I mean, not to be a Negative Nancy or anything, but while life expectancy has improved, I don't think we've quite hit 100 yet).

If anything, just the opposite. I feel really good about where I am. I'm married to a fantastic man. We're living in the city we plan to settle in. We're about to get a dog. We're well on our way to completing our own little Norman Rockwell tableau, you know? I am definitely ahead of myself here, but I have spent quite a bit of time perusing real estate listings, and there might be a couple of baby outfits in the back of the closet. (What? They have POLKA DOTS. There is NOTHING WRONG with buying a few things ahead of time. After all, if you go LOOKING for something specific, you never find it, so it's best to just buy it early if you happen across it, right? RIGHT?)

Neither the baby nor the house will be happening just yet, but it is so nice to dream. And being in Denver and holding down a steady job that I like, that I could see staying in long term, that I could see making into a bona fide career... well, it makes all the rest of that stuff seem much more attainable. I COULD have a kid now. We'd be fine if I did. It wouldn't throw any plans hugely out of whack if we did. We'd like a bit more time together just the two of us first, and we'd like to maybe find a house first, and that means saving up more of a down payment for awhile. But if it did happen now? Plenty of babies live in rented apartments and they're all totally fine. And ours would be too.

It's just such a new feeling, you know? Before it was always like, if my period was an hour late I was freaking out, because we were so, so far from being ready. Mostly because we've known for awhile that we didn't want to settle in DC, but if I'd gotten pregnant then I would have wanted to stay there to have the good job with good insurance and good maternity leave policy (not knowing that I had this telecommuting option), and then what? It would have thrown everything off kilter. Now that we're in the place we want to make our permanent home, everything has shifted slightly, but crucially.

It's just so nice to have this settled and squared away. Not just Denver itself, though I do love it here and feel more and more each day that we absolutely made the right choice, but the being settled. For the longest time things have felt transient, impermanent. And now it's like the pieces of the puzzle are slotting into place. And I'm very happy about that.

So no, no quarter life crisis here. Perhaps this means that my midlife crisis will be a doozy? I suppose all we can do is wait and see.


  1. Umm, it's kind of hilarious that you are already buying baby outfits.

  2. Thank you for realizing you don't need a brand new mcMansion to have a baby. THANK YOU.

  3. I love how everything is settling into place so nicely for you both.

    You are in such a great place in your ives.

  4. That's is so great that you are content.

  5. I'll have you know that a dear friend, her husband and their baby lived in a cozy ONE BEDROOM condo for almost a year before moving. On top of that? The condo was on the market (meaning mom would have to clean up and clear out the baby anytime there was a showing). It definitely CAN be done. Let the baby making commence!

  6. I, too, am laughing at the baby outfits. Though I will say, I experienced a similar shift a while back- though we're not trying for a baby, and don't think we're quite there yet, if I were to get pregnant now, we'd be just fine. It was a cool thing to realize- yeah, this is a good place. It wouldn't be as planned, but it wouldn't be a crisis in the least.

  7. Aw! You have baby outfits?? You make me really happy, that's so sweet!

    Mister and I are at the same place, where all of the sudden if that happened...we would just start our family. It's SO WEIRD, but very good. I'm glad you guys are feeling so happy and secure.

  8. Baby outfits? Really? Uhhh, well I am not interested in having babies ever, so it is more of a not being able to relate thing rather than a damn Jess - that is wacky, thing =)

    ...well, I DID want to buy this dog toy at Old Navy and we are not getting a dog until April. Yay, look at me trying to relate. Ha ha.

  9. My babymaking hormones kicked in when I was 26- living in a rented 1 bedroom in Denmark where i did not want to settle... its all worked out just fine though :) My dad always told me- babies are easy, you just bring em along.
    Glad you're loving Denver! And 60degrees? So jealous!

  10. It's wonderful that you're on such a good place and I am really happy for you - as a fellow March baby I say almost happy birthday!

  11. I knew we were close in age but it looks as though we're a little less than a year apart. When I hit 25 I was feeling like my life was going ok. I wasnt exactly where I wanted to be but I had attained the only goal I had set for myself which was to finish my degree by my 25th birthday (wrote the last exam the day before!). Looking back though it has turned out to be the worst year of my life. I had never even thought about it being a significant year until reading this post and um wow, it sucked!

    BUT I am so glad that your life is feeling so together. It sounds amazing and I really admire your patience. We may be similar in age but you are years ahead of me in maturity.

  12. That is so cute! It is great to dream and realize the pieces are falling into place and you are ready for puppy, and baby. And that you can have both and be ok!

    What a wonderful option to have telecommuting! It will make things easier!

    I am so happy you guys are so happy!

  13. I love that you have baby outfits in the closet! That is so sweet!!!
    It sounds like everything is going so well!! YAY!

  14. This post just exudes happiness. Happy for you!

  15. 1. Oh, it is SO CRAZY seeing your "About Me" thing with COLORADO on it now!

    2. We moved in February when I was pregnant and due in March. I have NEVER had a third trimester ZOOM BY so fast! February always seems quick anyway (it's only 2-3 days shorter, but somehow that's highly noticeable), but that year it was like it didn't even HAPPEN.

    3. I know, right? I'm in my mid-30s and having a bit of what I'm almost sure is a mid-life crisis, and people are all SCOFFY about that. And I get that, in that I think of "middle age" as being fifties. But...35-40 is about as "mid-life" as it gets.

    4. I had a whole SHELF of baby stuff before Paul and I were even married (though we were living together). I TOTALLY agree with you!

    5. I totally love that "it would be fine if it happened now" stage! It's one of my favorite parts!

  16. don´t panic about getting 25... i´m from austria and i really have to say, that at this age most of the people here (especially when they are studying) don´t have achieved that much. you have a job, are married happily, have just settled down in a new city... that´s great! i´m already 25 and I am just finishing university, am years apart from getting married and don´t even know (and neither want to think about), where i want to live for the rest of my life.
    so, just keep in mind, that in other countries life is a bit "delayed" :-)

    by the way: i love reading your blog! found you over catharina´s blog (you know: this window) - she´s my roommate
    oh.... and sorry if there are mistakes anywhere...

    go on like this!
    bye, ella

  17. I'm so jealous of your 60 degree winter night. Sigh. Spring is coming soon, right?

  18. I recently had that realization...despite being quite unsure on the kid thing, I know if I got pregnant, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

  19. :) So cute - I totally know how you feel about the baby thing. I'm glad you're so happy. It's so refreshing!

  20. I agree, February flew by--and I didn't move cross country.

    Sigh. You sound so happy and contented. I could really use some of that right now. Some spring weather would be nice too :)

  21. Twenty-five was easy for me. Twenty-six on the other hand? Well, that was practically 30! And turning 29 in two months, which IS practically 30, has me figuring I should just start developing kooky habits and gathering cats.

  22. Hey! When do you turn 25? I turn 25 on the 21st :)

    And the baby thing, I'm just coming to these conclusions, so maybe it's the 25 thing? lol I feel like I'm ready for a baby, but my life isn't quite there yet. Now it's just waiting for that moment, which could really be anytime! Eek!

    I already have a small collection of baby books, so I'm totally with you on the prep thing lol

  23. My husband and I reached that point last summer, and boom! We got pregnant. I'm so grateful it came when we felt ready.

  24. Dude, I live in a rented condo and am having a baby and it's fine. Better, even, because I like where I live, unlike where I also (HA HA) own a house.

    A baby can be moved much easier than a house can be sold, especially now. So with that in mind, my only piece of assvice that I will ever, ever give you on this move is to make sure that it is as permanent as it can be before you buy anything. And figuring that out can take a LONG-ASS TIME.

  25. You are right about that: when you're specifically looking for something, you never find it, so I suppose buying polka dot baby clothes isn't ALL that strange (if you know you definitely plan to have a baby, and you intend to still like polka dots when you do). :-) I have no idea whatsoever how you're so grounded and secure at 24, but more power to you that you are!

  26. "Plenty of babies live in rented apartments and they're all totally fine."

    There's something that's just sort of perfect about that statement.

    I absolutely love your introspective posts. I think, in both good and bad times, you have a profoundly real sense of who you are- an admirable trait indeed.
