Anyway, this woman did my eyes in soft pinks and browns, which I liked, but somehow the whole effect was just... weirdly frosty. I don't know. I know you're supposed to do something different from the everyday for your wedding, and I will step it up from my basic allover color that I usually do, but I think that after three failed attempts to get a professional to do what I want, I'm going back to my standard evening makeup, taught to me by a Sephora makeup artist three years ago.
Let's have a look at the photos from the three makeup trials, keeping in mind that the last two were just eyes and not skin (though the MAC woman did go overboard with the blush).
First, the Aveda trial (part of the problem here was that Aveda makeup is all natural, which means that it was pretty much gone within half an hour):
Then, many hours post-Sephora, when much of the green had faded (with La):

And last night, post-MAC:
Lastly, a photo of the handiwork that I loved, three years ago:

I don't know if you all will agree, but I like the makeup in the last photo much better than in the others. It blends more naturally, it's dramatic but not over the top, and it just generally feels like me.
(Incidentally, looking at the photos my friend and I took of my makeup three years ago has horrified me, because I looked so much YOUNGER then. My GOD. Three years isn't THAT long. This does not bode well for my desire to age gracefully.)
Anyway, after I reviewed the photos and decided to go with my standby, I scrubbed my face, broke out all the makeup I've bought in preparation for the wedding, and did my own trial run. It was the first time that I had put all the elements together--foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, lipstick, etc. So of course I turn to you. Behold, my results photographed in the harshest possible light (flat flash) from different angles for optimal viewing (click to enlarge):

I have definitely decided that I'm going to do my own makeup. It will be some version of the above, but I need real, honest input. The goal here is to look natural, like myself, and not like a raccoon in person, but also pretty, photogenic, and even-toned. What do you think of the makeup? Does it photograph well? Does it suit me? Is it dramatic enough? Too dramatic? What needs changing or tweaking? Did I apply it all wrong? Honesty is key, here. So, let it rip.
Maybe it's just me, but the only one where it even looks like you are wearing eye makeup is the Aveda picture. Or is that the look you are going for?
ReplyDeletePerhaps it's the lighting in the last bit of pictures (and especially the third in the last group) but the makeup is awfully light. Perhaps a bronzer needs to be added. I think your eyes definitely pop more naturally with what you've done than those so called professionals.
ReplyDeleteIn any light, all of them are very pretty, but I would stick with doing your own makeup for your day or having a very trusted friend do it. You'll be that much more relaxed knowing some stranger didn't mess up your face on the most important day of your life.
Oh plus, you're totally going to glow anyways. Literally I think every bride could get away with no make up b/c we glow that much. :)
i like the aveda look the best. i would agree with lspoon with doing your own makeup. i did my own because i knew how i wanted it to look and didn't have to worry about someone else misinterpreting that.
ReplyDeleteOf the "pro" trials, I like Aveda. If you're going to do your own (props because I'm hopeless at that!) you should play up your eyes more!
ReplyDeleteI liked the ones where you did your own makeup the best ... your eyes POP! and while it's clear you are wearing makeup, it's not ... ahem ... "clown whorish" (my sister's term, not mine).
ReplyDeleteI really like the Aveda trial. I'm guessing by your comments that you are not a big makeup girl. TRUST ME- you need to have on a fair amount of makeup on your wedding day. You will regret it if you do not. You will be in a million pictures and you want to look your best. Plus, your makeup needs to be complimentary to the fact that you are wearing a very expensive, fancy dress.
ReplyDeleteI think what you've done is actually quite good. I don't think the makeup is too light- you are very pale, and wearing a strapless dress. If you put on bronzer, it will be far more apparent because your neck and shoulders are fully exposed and the skin color difference will be dramatic (even if you have a very light hand with the bronzer). Maybe just a touch on the cheeks and nothing else.
I like what you did yourself best. You do need to wear more makeup than usual on the wedding b/c it's such a LOOOOONG, picture-heavy day, but you still should look like you.
ReplyDeleteI think you have to be very heavy handed on a day like this (this is why I am not doing it myself, because I cannot physically bring myself to put that much makeup on my face!). It has to show through on the pictures and it will rub off as the day goes on. So be super generous. I personally think the eyes and the mascara are where you need to amp it up - really let them shine through.
ReplyDeleteI too thought the Aveda looked lovely and actually quite natural.
Good luck!
I actually like the Aveda look the best for the eyes and cheeks, and I love the shade of lipstick you have in the self-trials.
ReplyDeleteThe bottom line is that you should do what makes you feel the most comfortable, you look lovely in all the pictures.
I am so glad I'm not the only one who hates when so called professionals do my make-up. They always make me look like a raccoon no matter if I tell them I want it to look natural or not. I did my own makeup on my wedding day for this reason. I did wear eye liner and more mascara than I would usually wear and it turned out great.
ReplyDeleteI like the make up you did yourself, I think it looks the best. It does look a little light, but I think that's because of the flash. I LOVE the lipstick you have on. LOVE. You have great skin!
I'm pretty much with the others. You definitely want to look a little bit different than normal - your Aveda trial really plays up your eyes.
ReplyDeleteI understand the discomfort with putting makeup on - I never wear makeup with the exception of concealer and occasionally if I feel like I look sleepy, some eyeliner to make me look more alert. But I think you want to try to play it up a little more than you do in the self-trials, just because as others have pointed out, you want to be looking like a more elegant version of you throughout the entire day.
I think I like the Aveda makeup the best! I like what you've done too, however I think the Aveda makeup really makes your eyes light up! :)
ReplyDeleteIt looks really awesome, it really does :)
ReplyDeleteI like best the way YOU did it.
ReplyDeleteI like the Aveda makeup the best, though I don't think you need any makeup at all.
ReplyDeleteI like the Aveda look. Maybe a little much for every day, but it's perfect for a natural wedding look.
ReplyDeleteI think you do a great job at doing your own make up but the Aveda one is also good. People are already saying this but I will concur- you need to put on more than usual so it will show up in the pictures. I'd focus more on mascara and the top lid than the underneath eyeliner.
ReplyDeleteAnd after seeing these photos I am struck with how much your resemble Glenn Close. I hope you take that as the compliment I mean it to be! :-)
Of the professional trials, I like the Aveda best.
ReplyDeleteI can totally understand wanting to do your own, though. I did my own for my wedding because I wanted to look like *me.*
i like the aveda the best....its the most natural looking and plays up your feuatures as make-up should. perfectly pretty for a wedding without looking overdone...
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I think it looks great. Natural and pretty.
ReplyDeleteAnother vote for your own handiwork! Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI cant say I like any of the professional ones beyond the eyes...
ReplyDeleteI like your makeup, but I'm wondering if that foundation isnt too light for your skin?
Definately love the makeup when you did it yourself. I would go with that. This way you can make it to suit you and not what some makeup artist wants it to look like.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your choice!
Looking good!
ReplyDeleteCould I perhaps suggest darkening your eyebrows just a little bit? Get an eyebrow pencil and fill in those brows - your hair is dark enough that it would look GREAT.
Eyebrows can really make you look striking, especially in pictures.
Give it a shot! :)
(And I suggest getting a trusted friend to do it - must less stressful, and giving a friend a part in your wedding is always fun!)
i *love* the last set of photos where you did the make up yourself.
I like your own makeup. I would add some more color to your eyes though. :)
ReplyDeleteI like the last set the best, no questions. But maybe step it up on bronzer or blush? You need some color in your cheeks for those wedding photos!
ReplyDeleteI actually like the Aveda one the LEAST. The key to wearing makeup, and wearing it well, is to appear like you aren't wearing any at all(except for your eyes). In the Aveda shot it looks clear that you have foundation or some other type of face makeup on, and I also think the colors they put on your eyes hides them instead of bringing them out.
ReplyDeleteI think you did an amazing job yourself, and it looks fresh, clean and natural. I would maybe use a brighter eyeshadow and a tad more blush, but that's it!
first off, OMG LOVE the lipstick color. so perfect for you.
ReplyDeletethe you-did-it-makeup looks great! i would probably do that, but a little... more, i guess. maybe a teeeeny bit of bronzer (like slynnro said, you def don't want your shoulders a different color from your face - but with all the flash going on that day, i think some soft color on your face will help) and maybe do the same exact eye makeup, just a little more heavy-handed. and as much mascara as you can possibly use, and don't forget to curl your eyelashes :-)
I like the makeup you did on yourself, but I feel like you should do your eyes a little darker. I felt like I had way too much makeup on at my wedding, but it is worth it for the pictures. You want your eyes to pop in photos.
ReplyDeleteLooks really great! I love that shade of lipstick. I did my own makeup too, after an "artist" made me look like a pro walking the streets.
ReplyDeleteoh and for the record, I totally disagree about the aveda trial - I like the lighter, more natural shades of eyeshadow. You don't need EVERYTHING to pop, you know?
ReplyDeleteYou look one million times more confident in the last pictures, therefore I think that's your best option.
ReplyDeleteYour skin is gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteYou did a fabulous job on your own make up, but the Aveda also looks nice (but a bit too light).
ReplyDeleteMaybe what it comes down to is... on that day when everyone and their dog is coming to you with questions on where things go, what to do when something isn't where it's supposed to be, or when great-great-aunt Flossie's best friend's cousin wants to come in and meet you before the wedding... do you want to be doing your own face or relaxing and leaving that to someone else? Can you relax when someone else is doing that?
Seriously, no matter how well planned everything is, someone else will want to play by THEIR rules and everyone will tattle. To you. If putting on makeup relaxes you, go for it! You'll need those Zen moments.
Um, I've said too much, haven't I? Sorry. Just having a flashback to a few weddings when I was more than just a guest...
I like yours best, but be a little more heavy-handed. As basically everyone has said, you need to layer it on for wedding photos. I felt like I had tons of makeup on, but it looked fab in photos.
ReplyDeleteSince you asked for constructive criticism, I'd say go with your own, but since you have little arch in your eyebrows I'd wax them slightly then use an eyebrow pencil so they pop. Eyebrows frame your eyes, and they are frequently overlooked in their importance.
I guess I am the only one who liked the MAC work.
ReplyDeleteBut yours is definitely the best. I will just chime in with the masses and say be sure it is played up and make sure it is long lasting and tear-proof! Primer, primer, primer. ;)
I actually like the one you did yourself the best. That and the 3-years-ago picture. The only suggestion i would make is to do more on your eyes. More brown shadow, or something equally as dark, so that your eyes pop more. It looks like you're wearing eyeliner, so i would really just add more shadow and call it a day.
ReplyDeleteGood job, you. I'd be scared to do it myself. However, i didn't get the results i wanted with a professional, either, when i was just a bridesmaid.
I know you want to go natural, but I think it would look even prettier and sexier if you played up your lips a bit more. Since your eyes are not overdone, I think you could do something slightly dramatic like a real glossy look or a really nice color (PURPLE?). Or you could do the frosty thing but I don't really dig that.
ReplyDeleteYou look great :)
I like the Aveda colors the best, but I would recommend doing your own make up. I love the MAC lipstick, though!
ReplyDeleteYou look great!
I like the way you did it best. I'd go with more eyeshadow though.
ReplyDeleteI love the Aveda makeup the best too! Sorry, not what you wanted to hear, but the liner/shadow on top looks dramatic, but soft and pretty. Very bridal, not at all like a hooker or anything (which is usually people's fear).
ReplyDeleteBut I do have to say that one thing you haven't done would make a HUGE difference. Get your brows waxed/threaded. It'll open up your eyes a bit and make the makeup look so much more polished and "fresh". Seriously, just cleaning up the little tiny blonde hairs that nobody can see anyway, will make a HUGE difference. And maybe lightly filling in the brows too. Trust me. If you don't trust me, trust Oprah. :-)
The got cut off..
I like the Aveda one the best of the pro ones, too.
ReplyDeleteI do like your own makeup, especially the shade on your lips, but I do agree that you could go more dramatic without looking too over the top!
I like your cheeks and lipstick a lot. They are great compliments to your coloring. I agree with everyone else about making your eye make up darker. I completely understand wanting to look like yourself, but you will want to enhance your eyes a little more so they pop in all of your photos.
ReplyDeleteI have brown eyes too, and on my wedding day my make up artist used various shades of brown and beige, which accented my eyes but wasn't too overpowering.
since you're going to be getting photos done, if you do decide to apply the makeup yourself, definitely go heavier. it'll show up better in pictures i think.
ReplyDeletegood luck jess! i'm sure you'll look beautiful regardless :-)
The make up you did yourself looks beautiful! I'm impressed! This is just my own personal preference but I would go heavier on the eyes and maybe do a shimmer instead of matte with the lightest color to make your eyes pop more.
ReplyDeleteI actually like the makeup you did yourself best! You look fantastic!
ReplyDeleteOf the pros, I like the MAC (not a particularly popular choice though)
ReplyDeleteThat said, I think that yours is great, but that you need MORE. And possibly a darker foundation/bronzer - in the harsh light, it's a little too pale.
I had my makeup professionally done for a party once, and I felt like an idiot during the day in my ordinary clothes. BUT it lasted all night, looked fantastic in pictures. I think that you really have to pile it on for these occasions. To the extent that you feel a tad ridiculous.
I think a combination of doing your own and a TRUSTED friend is the way to go. I find some professionals are just wayyyyyy to into the makeup that they forget that you may not be quite so used to making that sort of statement with your face. And I really agree that dammit we brides glow on our wedding day - so regular face that Torsten already fell in love with plus glowing will equal awesomeness. Maybe just bring some powder to the reception (and deodarant while I think of it)'cause I know I had an attack of the shiny forehead in some of my pics.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a make-up pro by any means, so I hope the 50+ comments provided you some guidance. But, one thing I heard from the lady doing my make-up is all the "big" beauty companies have had to redefine their products in a day and age of digital photography. So, I'd make sure your foundation and powder are "digital ready" whatever that means.
ReplyDeleteAnd also? What I do know is you in person. And the make-up you did for yourself looks stunning. It's so you on a fancy night. And if that's what makes you feel the most comfortable and happiest, then I say go for it.
I think your eyes look best with the Aveda make-up. However, I think you should be comfortable on your wedding day, so I would choose the make-up that suits you best and that you know you will like.
ReplyDeleteI think your own makeup looks lovely - and it will look even better when you're not having to worry about the flash on your camera.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you might need to drama up the eyes just a tiny bit more, but it's hard to tell when you're not in natural light.
I like the one you did yourself best, but I too am a less-is-more type when it comes to makeup...even on a special day and even for pictures. Maybe just a touch of something glossy on your lips?
ReplyDeleteOne item that I have noticed really does make a difference for me in pictures is a foundation primer. I don't even use "real" foundation, but the Smashbox primer keeps me looking glowing, yet still somehow matte, and it makes my pores, which, if I'm honest with myself are small to begin with, totally disappear.
the first picture is real nice...not to talk down the last pictures, but it looks very very everyday and on your wedding day you should stand out. the aveda makeup is the best way to stand out! go for it
ReplyDeleteI like everything about the makeup that you did yourself except that I think the foundation is too light. It might be the camera flash, but it almost washes you out.
ReplyDeleteI like what you did the best, but I agree with other that you need to make the eyes pop more! Otherwise, it looks very natural and "dewey"
ReplyDeleteI would schedule a makeup trial with another artist if you're not happy, or go to a counter and have them show you some techniques - but here is my input:
ReplyDeleteAbout the Trials
I think the Aveda one is the nicest - you have a little more coverage on your skin which is great for photography. I think they defined your eyes the best.
In the Sephora trial pictures I think there's too much shine, and in the others your eye makeup seems to change but not the way they handle your skin.
I love the way you do your lips though!
In General
Your brow is very defined, so I think that speaking to someone about the most flattering shape to play up with a pencil, or to wax/pluck to might helpful, and playing up your eyes with some liner (or more liner, a la the first trial) will really do you some more justice.
It might make you feel overly made up - but just by focusing on defining your brows, separating them from your eyes, and defining your eyes you will draw the eyes right in to your eyes immediately. That's where all of your emotion lives, and it'll really look stunning on your wedding day.
I think it's only women with ether eyes the size of baseballs or fake eyelashes who can draw in the right amount of focus to balance & separate their face without eyeliner though, I know I certainly can't! ; )
One of my very good friends is a makeup artist who went to the best school in Canada for make up - she's been giving me distance suggestions for wedding makeup over e-mail, e-mail me if you would like me to have her make a couple suggestions for doing it yourself! She's not coming to my wedding, she owes me. = )
I also didn't mean to ramble on - I think you look gorgeous and saw lots of general comments so I tried to be more specific based on what my friend has told me about wedding makeup =)
ReplyDeleteDude, you are SO MUCH BETTER at putting on makeup than I am. I am very impressed by your self trial. My favorite is the self-applied, and my only suggestion would be to add a slightly darker shadow close to your eyelashes on your top lid- or even just smudge up your liner a tiny bit for a little more wedding flair.
ReplyDeleteI agree - do it yourself. YOu look natural and pretty. And you should definitely do something close to who you really are for your wedding day. Not something too extreme. A day like that is not a time to "experiment" with new looks. Otherwise one day you will look at your pictures wondering, "Who the heck is that?!"
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on the last look, it looks more natural and you seem happier with it. When you get makeup done and all the eyeliners and dark colors layers, it's tough to like sometimes. Definitely do it yourself and practice ahead of time.
ReplyDeleteGood blog: You should start many more. I love all the info provided. I will stay tuned:) makeup artist in Sydney